Dawn Hummer

Dawn's artwork celebrates the esoteric way of hand-weaving, supported by the Slow Craft Movement, and seeks to connect the public with the beauty and function of handmade art and its creators. I weave both on and off-loom, using traditional Western and Eastern techniques and patterns showcased in time-intensive hand-woven basketry, sculpture, and loom-woven wearable and domestic art.

Wildflower Woven Design teaching studio facilitates collective inquiry learning experiences in spontaneous expression, using multiple looms for people of all abilities. With an unlimited palette of sustainable fiber textures and colors, organic practice elicits a personal creative process with no preconceived pattern or structure. Coupled with a philosophy of no rules or restrictions, individual art is expressed with complete freedom and creativity. Aesthetic principles of asymmetry, simplicity, and wabi-sabi, fused with whimsical deconstruction in design and process are joyful and identifiable statements within each piece.

Website: WildflowerWovenDesign.com

NC Blue Adirondack Pack Basket, handwoven basketry, 22x15x12” $275

Rapture in Blue, gourd art 20x20x14” $450

Pittsboro Gallery of Arts, Fine Art and Fine Craft

Spectrum Wool Tapestry, 65x40” $3900

Pierette, handwoven structural basket 10x10x10” $140