Pittsboro Gallery of Arts Membership

Join the Pittsboro Gallery of Arts and showcase your talent in our vibrant artistic community. At the Gallery, you can gain exposure, and recognition, while accessing resources for artistic development. Please submit your application online and be a part of shaping the future of art in our community.

Membership Application Information

Membership Applications are reviewed quarterly.

If you wish to be considered, please review the information below then complete the application. Thank you!

 General Guidelines for Members:

  • Members become shareholders upon payment of the required one-time, non refundable, membership buy in fee of $300.00.

  • Members will be allotted an equitable amount of available space to display their inventory. Space will be determined by size and type of media.

  • Members will pay rent dues in the amount of $125.00 per month, by no later than the first of each month.

  • Members will pay an 20% commission fee on all sales made in the Gallery and will receive a check for 80% of their sales each month.

  • Classes can be offered in the Gallery at a commission rate of 25%: member-instructor retains 75%.

  • Members are required to work 7-10 hours per month staffing the gallery. This can be split into two 3-3.5 hour shifts or worked as 1 full day shift as availability allows.

  • In addition to staffing the Gallery, members are expected to help with the operation of the Gallery by serving on committees. Committee work may require 6-12 hours per month, and as needed. Committees include maintenance, jury, curation, point of sale, marketing, finance, and special events. 

  • Members are required to attend monthly meetings. which take place via zoom and occasionally in person.

  • All work displayed must be available for sale.

  • If accepted, applicants will be invited for membership and will have a period of one week to accept the invitation by submitting the membership fee and signing the membership agreement.

  • For a more detailed outline of member requirements, please view the membership agreement by clicking on this link.

Application Requirements:

  • Complete application will include: Application Form, Artist Resume, Artist Statement, and Member Statement, five (5) properly formatted images and an application fee of $25.  Only complete applications will be submitted for jury review.

    • Applications will be submitted online & reviewed quarterly through our jury process. 

    • A gallery member will contact you to confirm receipt of application and provide directions for payment of $25 application fee.

    • All artwork will be submitted through high quality images in jpeg format. Maximum jpeg file size not to exceed 10 MB. 

    • The artwork presented for review shall be all of the same media and quality (e.g., painting, ceramics, sculpture, woodwork, jewelry, etc.) as is intended for display in the Gallery. 

    • If the artist works in more than one medium, a separate application may be submitted for each type. The artist may be accepted in one but not all media provided.

    • The Artist Statement should be a short statement about why the artist makes this work, what his or her primary influences are, what inspires him or her. Please include some information on materials and technique. 

    • The Member Statement should indicate what contribution the artist thinks he or she can make to the Gallery and include any skills the artist can offer, such as a marketing background or website development experience.

    • Upon completion of the jury review, applicants will be notified of the results via email. Please be sure that the email address that you submit with your application is accurate.

    • New member artists will provide their art to the Gallery on the date specified by the Gallery. 

      By completing this application, you, the applicant, are agreeing to be considered for membership as a participating member of “Pittsboro Gallery of Arts,” a for profit co-operative. Pittsboro Gallery of Arts will provide a well-maintained gallery space, accept and pay sales tax, and promote artists and exhibits.

      Thank you for your interest in joining Pittsboro Gallery of Arts! We look forward to hearing from you!