Fibonacci Spiral Explained

Friday, November 15, 2024

5:00 - 8:00 pm

Steven Ferlauto will give a brief talk about the Fibonacci Spiral, which inspired the creation of the logo for Pittsboro Gallery of Arts.


This talk is held during the Finally Fridays event in downtown Pittsboro.


More about Steven's art:

Leonardo Da Vinci, Albrecht Durer, and many other masters of the Renaissance explored the geometry of letterform. They searched for a proportional system considered to be Godly within the Roman alphabet. This Godly ratio known as the ‘divine proportion’ was used extensively during the Renaissance for the composition of paintings and the design of cathedrals.

Academics agree that no one has successfully drawn an archetypal alphabet based on the ‘divine proportion’. Historians conclude that such a geometric system could not possibly exist due to the happenstance of our alphabet's development. Steven's work disproves academia’s assertion. His drawings map a hidden structure based on the divine proportion found within the Roman alphabet.
He considers his work to be a discovery.

In his studies Steven proves that an interest of the Renaissance humanist was to link the development of early Christian theology to these ancient alphabet-based creationist stories.

Steven’s art is available to view and purchase at the Pittsboro Gallery of Arts.


What is Archetypegeometry?

Click for video


Featured Artist: Trudy Thomson


Join us for an Art-rageous event!